For students signing up for a Math Merit course for the Spring 2025 semester:
Are you currently taking a chemistry, math, or biology (IB or MCB) Merit course during the fall 2024 semester?
- If YES: you are pre-approved to sign up for any Spring 2025 Math Merit course, space permitting. You do not need to get specific authorization or additional approval; simply see the instructions for course sign up below and sign up once your registration time-ticket opens.
- If NO: You will need to request approval to sign up for Math Merit for the Spring 2025 semester by filling out this form. This approval will be granted on Thursday, November 21, 2024. On or after that date, please see instructions for signing up below.
- All information regarding courses can be found on course explorer which is linked here.
- Please direct any questions about Math Merit Registration to Dr. Jennifer McNeilly at
Please click on the course you will be taking in Spring 2025 (or scroll down) for specific Merit sign-up instructions:
Math 115 – Math 220 – Math 231 – Math 241 – Math 285 – Math 347
Math 115 Merit sign up instructions:
Math 115 Merit is an extra Math 199 class which meets once per week for 1 hour 50 minutes. To sign up for Math 115 with Merit, first, register for any Math 115 lecture and Thursday discussion section. Then, register for the Merit section below.
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 199 PC1 | Merit Section | T | 3 – 4:50 pm | 48356 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 220 Merit sign up instructions:
Math 220 Merit replaces the regular Math 220 discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 50 minutes) with Merit discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Math 220 with Merit, follow the directions below.
- Sign up for Math 199 JM1 (CRN 48353). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Math Merit course. This class does not actually meet. By participating in your Math 220 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
- Sign up for a Math 220 lecture and a Math 220 Merit discussion by adding both sections at the same time.
Merit discussions for Math 220 are listed below (Sign up for one of the Math 220 lectures and one of the three Merit discussions):
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 220 AL1 | Lecture | MWF | 9 – 9:50 am | 58600 | 141 Wohlers Hall |
Math 220 AL2 | Lecture | MWF | 10 – 10:50 am | 37538 | 141 Wohlers Hall |
Math 220 AD1 | Merit Discussion | TR | 9 – 10:50 am | 37536 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 220 AD2 | Merit Discussion | TR | 1 – 2:50 pm | 37535 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 220 AD3 | Merit Discussion | TR | 11 am – 12:50 pm | 58603 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 231 Merit Sign Up Instructions
Math 231 Merit replaces the regular Math 231 discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 50 minutes) with Merit discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Math 231 with Merit, follow the directions below.
- Sign up for Math 199 JM1 (CRN 48353). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Math Merit course. This class does not actually meet. By participating in your Math 231 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
- Sign up for a Math 231 lecture and a Math 231 Merit discussion by adding both sections at the same time. Note that both the lecture and the Merit discussion must start with the same letter for the system to allow you to sign up. (Example: Math 231 AL1 lecture must go with either Math 231 AD1 Merit or Math 231 AD2 Merit.)
“A” Lectures and Merit Discussions (Sign up for one of the Math 231 “A” lectures and one of the two Merit discussions):
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 231 AL1 | Lecture | TR | 8 – 8:50 am | 58106 | 100 MSEB |
Math 231 AL2 | Lecture | TR | 9 – 9:50 am | 46026 | 100 MSEB |
Math 231 AD1 | Merit Discussion | WF | 9 – 10:50 am | 46019 | 6 Burrill Hall |
Math 231 AD2 | Merit Discussion | WF | 1 – 2:50 pm | 46022 | 3011 NHB |
“C” Lectures and Merit Discussions (Sign up for one of the Math 231 “C” lectures and one of the three Merit discussions):
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 231 CL1 | Lecture | TR | 10 – 10:50 am | 46038 | 100 MSEB |
Math 231 CL2 | Lecture | TR | 11 -11:50 am | 51775 | 100 MSEB |
Math 231 CL3 | Lecture | TR | 1 – 1:50 pm | 46046 | 114 David Kinley Hall |
Math 231 CD1 | Merit Discussion | WF | 9 – 10:50 am | 46032 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 231 CD2 | Merit Discussion | WF | 11 am – 12:50 pm | 52972 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 231 CD3 | Merit Discussion | WF | 1 – 2:50 pm | 56231 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 241 Merit Sign Up Instructions
Math 241 Merit replaces the regular Math 241 discussion sections (which meet once weekly for 50 minutes) with Merit discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Math 241 with Merit, follow the directions below.
- Sign up for Math 199 JM1 (CRN 48353). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Math Merit course. This class does not actually meet. By participating in your Math 241 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
- Sign up for a Math 241 “B” lecture and a Math 241 Merit discussion by adding both sections at the same time.
Merit sections for Math 241 are listed below (Sign up for one of the Math 241 “B” lectures and one of the two Merit discussions):
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 241 BL1 | Lecture | MWF | 12 – 12:50 pm | 55921 | 100 MSEB |
Math 241 BL2 | Lecture | MWF | 1 – 1:50 pm | 46074 | 3039 CIF |
Math 241 BD1 | Merit Discussion | TR | 11 am – 12:50 pm | 46059 | 6 Burrill Hall |
Math 241 BD2 | Merit Discussion | TR | 1 – 2:50 pm | 52979 | 2078 NHB |
Math 285 Merit Sign Up Instructions
Math 285 Merit is an extra Math 199 class which meets once per week for 1 hour 50 minutes. This is in addition to the regular Math 285 lecture/discussion. To sign up for Math 285 with Merit, first, register for any Math 285 lecture/discussion section. Then, register for the Merit discussion section below:
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 199 DE1 | Merit Section | R | 3 – 4:50 pm | 53557 | 314 Davenport Hall |
Math 347 Merit Sign Up Instructions
Math 347 Merit is a specific section of Math 347 that adds a discussion section which meets once per week for 1 hour 50 minutes. This section is reserved for students planning to pursue the Secondary Education minor in math and current or prospective Math majors who participated in the Merit Program. Interested students should contact with subject line “Merit Math 347 request” and include name, netid, UIN, and explanation of interest.
Once access is granted, to sign up for Math 347 Merit, follow the directions below:
- Sign up for Math 199 347 (CRN 48354) by typing the CRN in directly to the “Enter CRNs” window/tab. This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Math Merit course. This class does not actually meet. By participating in the Math 347 Merit discussion section on Tuesdays (which you sign up for through step 2) you get credit for this class. Please note: this Math 199 Section will not show up in the Course Explorer or the “plan-ahead” feature of the registration system; you will need to manually type in the CRN the day you register to add this credit hour.
- Sign up for Math 347 Merit section below using CRN 67115 (this one CRN will add both lines below).
Section Name | Type | Days | Time | CRN | Location |
Math 347 C2M | Lecture/Discussion | MWF | 12 – 12:50 pm | 67115 | G24 LCL |
Math 347 C2M | Merit Section | T | 9 – 10:50 am | 7 Burrill Hall |