Fall 2024 Chemistry Merit Registration

For returning students signing up for a Chemistry Merit course for the Fall 2024 semester:

Are you currently taking a chemistry, math, or biology Merit course during the Spring 2024 semester?

  • If YES: You are pre-approved to sign up for any Fall 2024 chemistry Merit course, space permitting. You do not need to get specific authorization or additional approval; simply see the instructions for course sign up below and sign up during your registration time.
  • If NO: You will need to request approval to sign up for Merit for the Fall 2024 semester by filling out this webform. This approval will be granted on Thursday, April 18, 2024. On or after that date, please see instructions for signing up below.
  • All information regarding courses, including instructor names, can be found on course explorer which is linked here.
  • Please direct any questions about Chemistry Merit Registration to Dr. Elise McCarren at emccarr2@illinois.edu.

Please click on the course you will be taking in Fall 2024 for specific Merit sign-up instructions:

Chem 101Chem 102Chem 104Chem 202Chem 232Chem 236Chem 332

Chem 101 Merit sign up instructions:

Chem 101 Merit is an extra Chem 199 class which meets once per week for 1 hour 50 minutes. To sign up for Chem 101 with Merit, first, register for a lecture, and discussion/lab that ALL start with the same letter. Then, register for one of the Merit sections below. The Merit section must start with the same letter as your lecture and discussion.

The list of Chem 101 Merit discussions is shown below:

AL1 Lecture Merit Sections

Prof. McCarren

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 199 AA1*Merit DiscussionW11 am – 12:50 pm63839300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 AA2*Merit DiscussionR3-4:50 pm47589209 Noyes Lab
Chem 199 AC3^Merit DiscussionT12-1:50 pm5616367 Mumford
Chem 199 AH4#Merit DiscussionW3-4:50 pm45143209 Noyes Lab
Chem 199 AM5Merit DiscussionW3-4:50 pm47587152 Chemistry Annex

*Reserved for students in the LAS AAP Program.

^Reserved for students in the College of ACES.

#Reserved for students in the College of AHS.

BL1 Lecture Merit Sections

Prof. Leveritt

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 199 BM1Merit DiscussionR9-10:50 am47588300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 BG2Merit DiscussionW9-10:50 am65501300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 BM3Merit DiscussionT11 am – 12:50 pm70559300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 BH4#Merit DiscussionF11 am – 12:50 pm56166300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 BB5@Merit DiscussionR9 – 10:50 am72450300A Noyes Lab

#Reserved for students in the College of AHS.

@Reserved for biology or biochemistry majors.

CL1 Lecture Merit Sections

Prof. Leveritt

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 199 CB1@Merit DiscussionF1-2:50 pm56162152 Chemistry Annex
Chem 199 CG2Merit DiscussionW3-4:50 pm65502300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 CM3Merit DiscussionR11 am – 12:50 pm49005300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 CM4Merit DiscussionT9 – 10:50 am70558300A Noyes Lab
Chem 199 CC5^Merit DiscussionW4-5:50 pm5616567 Mumford

@Reserved for biology or biochemistry majors.

^Reserved for students in the College of ACES


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Chem 102 Merit sign up instructions:

Chem 102 Merit replaces the regular Chem 102 discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 50 minutes) with two Merit discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Chem 102 with Merit, follow the directions below. You will also need to sign up for Chem 103 lecture and lab which is a completely separate class from Chem 102.

  1. Sign up for Chem 199 M (31588). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Chemistry Merit course. This class does not actually meet. Just by going to your Chem 102 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
  2. Sign up for a Chem 102 lecture and a Chem 102 Merit discussion by adding both sections at the same time. Note that both the lecture and the Merit discussion must start with the same letter for the computer to allow you to sign up. (Example: Chem 102 BL1 lecture must go with either Chem 102 BQH Merit or Chem 102 BQI Merit.)

Merit sections for Chem 102 are listed below:

BL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 102 BL1 and then one of the two Merit sections.)

Prof. Hummel

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 102 BL1LectureTR12-12:50 pm36109100 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 BQHMerit DiscussionWF11 am – 12:50 pm36171209 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 BQI*Merit DiscussionWF9 am – 10:50 am 56169209 Noyes Lab

*Reserved for students in the LAS AAP Program.

CL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 102 CL1 and then one of the two Merit sections.)

Prof. Gunasekera

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 102 CL1LectureTR10-10:50 am36148100 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 CQDMerit DiscussionWF9-10:50 am36173152 Chemistry Annex
Chem 102 CQFMerit DiscussionWF11 am – 12:50 pm40124152 Chemistry Annex

DL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 102 DL1 and then one of the three Merit sections.)

Prof. Huang

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 102 DL1LectureMW11-11:50 am48904100 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 DQDMerit DiscussionTR11 am – 12:50 pm49003209 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 DQEMerit DiscussionTR1-2:50 pm49004209 Noyes Lab

EL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 102 EL1 and then one of the two Merit sections.)

Prof. Gunasekera

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 102 EL1LectureTR1-1:50 pm47349100 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 EQJ&Merit DiscussionWF1-2:50 pm44023209 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 EQKMerit DiscussionWF1-2:50 pm70562300A Noyes Lab

&Grainger College of Engineering students are permitted to sign up for this section.

FL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 102 FL1 and then one of the two Merit sections.)

Prof. Huang

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 102 FL1LectureMW1-1:50 pm47359100 Noyes Lab
Chem 102 FQE&Merit DiscussionTR3-4:50 pm67019300A Noyes Lab
Chem 102 FQFMerit DiscussionTR1-2:50 pm70560300A Noyes Lab

&Grainger College of Engineering students are permitted to sign up for this section.

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Chem 104 Merit sign up instructions:

Chem 104 Merit replaces the regular Chem 104 discussion sections (which meet once weekly for 50 minutes) with two Merit discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Chem 104 with Merit, follow the directions below. You will also need to sign up for Chem 105 lecture and lab which is a completely separate class from Chem 104.

  1. Sign up for Chem 199 M (31588). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Chemistry Merit course. This class does not actually meet. Just by going to your Chem 104 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
  2. Sign up for a Chem 104 lecture and a Chem 104 Merit discussion by adding both sections at the same time. Note that both the lecture and the Merit discussion must start with the same letter for the computer to allow you to sign up. (Example: Chem 104 DL1 lecture must go with either Chem 104 DQJ Merit or Chem 104 DQK Merit.)

Merit sections for Chem 104 are listed below:

AL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 104 AL1 and then one of the two Merit sections.)

Prof. Ray

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 104 AL1LectureMWF9-9:50 am36274100 Noyes Lab
Chem 104 AQI*Merit DiscussionTR1-2:50 pm47626152 Chemistry Annex
Chem 104 AQJMerit DiscussionTR9-10:50 am60141209 Noyes Lab
Chem 104 AQKMerit DiscussionTR3-4:50 pm60142152 Chemistry Annex

*Reserved for students in the LAS AAP Program.

DL1 Lecture & Merit Sections (Sign up for Chem 104 DL1 and then one of the two Merit sections.)

Prof. Andino

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 104 DL1LectureMWF3-3:50 pm36355100 Noyes Lab
Chem 104 DQJMerit DiscussionTR3-4:50 pm57636164 Noyes Lab
Chem 104 DQKMerit DiscussionMW1-2:50 pm60140152 Chemistry Annex

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Chem 202 Merit Sign Up Instructions

Chem 202 Merit replaces the regular Chem 202 discussion sections (which meet once weekly for 50 minutes) with two Merit discussion sections (which meet twice weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Chem 202 with Merit, follow the directions below. You will also need to sign up for Chem 203 lecture and lab which is a completely separate class from Chem 202.

  1. Sign up for Chem 199 M (31588). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Chemistry Merit course. This class does not actually meet. Just by going to your Chem 202 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
  2. Sign up for a Chem 202 lecture and a Chem 202 Merit discussion by adding both sections at the same time. Note that both the lecture and the Merit discussion must start with the same letter for the computer to allow you to sign up. (Example: Chem 202 AL1 lecture must go with either Chem 202 AQH Merit or Chem 202 AQG Merit.) It may also be best to add both CRNs to ensure you have correctly signed up for the course.

The lecture and Merit sections for Chem 202 are listed below.

Prof. DeCoste

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 202 AL1LectureMWF10 – 10:50 am36229100 Noyes Lab
Chem 202 AQGMerit DiscussionTR9 am – 10:50 am65188152 Chemistry Annex
Chem 202 AQHMerit DiscussionTR11 am – 12:50 pm65189152 Chemistry Annex

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Chem 232 Merit Sign Up Instructions

Chem 232 Merit is an extra Chem 199 class which meets once per week for 1 hour 50 minutes. This in in addition to the regular Chem 232 lecture and discussion. To sign up for Chem 232 with Merit, first, register for a lecture and discussion that all start with the letter A. Then, register for one of the Merit sections below. The Merit section must start with the same letter as your lecture and discussion.

Prof. Axelson

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 199 M1Merit DiscussionM3-4:50 pm70333152 Chemistry Annex
Chem 199 M2Merit DiscussionM11 am – 12:50 pm70334209 Noyes
Chem 199 M3Merit DiscussionM3-4:50 pm70335209 Noyes
Chem 199 M4Merit DiscussionM1-2:50 pm70336209 Noyes

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Chem 236 Merit Sign Up Instructions

Chem 236 Merit replaces the regular Chem 236 discussion sections (which meet once weekly for 50 minutes) with one Merit discussion section (which meets once weekly for 1 hour 50 minutes). To sign up for Chem 236 with Merit, follow the directions below.

  1. Sign up for Chem 199 M (31588). This is the extra hour of credit you get for taking a Chemistry Merit course. This class does not actually meet. Just by going to your Chem 236 Merit discussion section (which you will sign up for in step 2) you get credit for this class.
  2. Sign up for a Chem 236 AL1 lecture and the Chem 236 AD1 Merit discussion by adding the CRNs for the lecture and discussion sections below at the same time.

Prof. Chan

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 236 AL1LectureMWF9-9:50 am36332
Chem 236 AD1Merit DiscussionT5-6:50 pm36335152 Chemistry Annex

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Chem 332 Merit Sign Up Instructions

Chem 332 Merit is an extra Chem 199 class which meets once per week for 1 hour 50 minutes. This in in addition to the regular Chem 232 lecture and discussion. To sign up for Chem 332 with Merit, first, register for a lecture and a regular discussion. Then, register for the Merit section discussion below using the CRN 70337.

Section NameTypeDaysTimeCRNLocation
Chem 199 M5Merit SectionM5-6:50 pm70337152 Chemistry Annex

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